Secrets to success : Visiting professor during office hours

About the author

Hi there. I am the prolific professor with 15 years of experience teaching online and in-person. I have a graduate degree. I have a passion for education. But I’ve also worked in the professional world (outside of education) too. Thanks for visiting.

professors office door

College student’s guide to visiting their professor during office hours

Are you looking at your syllabus and wondering about the office hours your professor posted?

Or are you planning to talk to them but they told you to just stop by during office hours?

Maybe you are just curious about your grades and want to go over a few things with your professor that you can’t easily do through email.

I am going to help you understand the BEST way to get in touch with your professors.

Either way, you’ve got questions and I have answers.

I know it can be rather intimidating to walk into your professor’s office, seemingly out of nowhere, and strike up a conversation. Are they going to tell you they are busy and you can meet another time? Or will they not be there only to have wasted your time.

I have students’ most frequently asked questions about professors’ office hours in this guide. Before you leave here, you will know everything you need to know about visiting your professor during office hours.

And why choose this guide?

Because I was a professor for 15 years. I have you covered.

I know it can be incredibly confusing on how to contact your professor, and while some people may opt to call, email or text their professor, I think it is best to go straight to their office.

You’ll see why.

What are professor’s office hours in college?

Full-time professors will need to make themselves available to students for academic questions. And most colleges and universities will require their faculty to hold regularly scheduled office hours during the semester. They will schedule around five hours a week where they will dedicate time for their students. Students should be able to randomly stop by and ask questions about their course and the material. But you could also ask questions about other relevant topics like careers or professional advice.

I need to mention something important. Some professors aren’t full-time faculty members. This means that they won’t hold regular office hours because they’re adjuncts. If they are an adjunct professor, they’ll probably just meet with students before or after class instead.

But most full-time faculty will have office hours. Sometimes the faculty might have their teaching assistant available instead. It really all depends. The majority of full-time professors are required to have office hours. Most professors should have around 6 office hours per week.

Also, the office hours can change each semester so don’t expect them to be the same after the semester ends and another one begins.

Lastly, these office hours shouldn’t require an appointment but some professors might request that students schedule an appointment to make sure they have time to meet with them.

I don’t find that to be the norm though. Just stopping by anytime during their office hours should be fine.

And if you want to know more about your professor’s office hours, check their syllabus.

Professor office hours etiquette

  • Don’t show up at the end of the office hours - If you want to visit your professor, don’t wait until the last few minutes of their office hours. They might be heading to another class or ending their work shift. Give your professor at least 15 minutes before the end of their office hours if you want to visit.

  • Have specific questions - If you go, try and prepare some questions ahead of time to make sure you make the most of your visit. Do you want to talk about your grades or get general feedback? Don’t just show up and say that but instead come prepared with some detailed questions to get as much information as you can.

  • Don’t linger too long - When you go, try and keep your visit as short as possible. You don’t want to take time away from other students. But stay as long as you need to get your questions answered. Sometimes it might take another visit to get everything resolved.

  • Be professional - I don’t think I need to give an explanation here. Just make sure you are representing yourself well and you should be good. There is no need to wear a suit, but just give a good impression.

  • Don’t ask them to repeat a lecture you missed - If you didn’t come to class, you shouldn’t show up during office hours and asked what you missed. Instead, you should ask a classmate for their notes.

Should I go to my professor’s office hours?

Students should visit their professors during office hours if they have relevant questions about their grades, the course or the material. Students should also visit their professor if they want to ask them about their research or the degree program. It could also be helpful to ask them about careers or internships in their field to gain more understanding. Also, students may visit to get to know their professors professionally to ask for a letter of recommendation later. Lastly, you might want to know about student organizations to join.

There are many other ways to use office hours in college, and as long as it is related to college and their academic field, you should be good to go.

How to meet with your professor during office hours

If you want to meet with your professor during office hours, read their syllabus. Do they have their office hours listed in their syllabus and instructions on how to visit?

Most often, students don’t need an appointment to visit professors during this time, but it’s best practices to reach out and let them know you are going to stop by.


Because professors may be running errands on campus, visiting with other students, or leaving early the day you want to stop by. But don’t feel like you have to unless your professor asks you to make an appointment.

So, to meet with your professor, you will need to stop by in person or make an appointment. Some professors may even hold office hours virtually and you should email them and ask how to schedule a time to meet.

Now you should know how to meet with your professor during office hours.

Do professors get annoyed when you go to office hours?

No, professors don’t get annoyed when students come by during office hours. Professors understand that this is part of their job duties and should be excited to have students want to get more involved in their college education.

Professors also complete performance evaluations and usually professors will be asked to show how they are advising students and helping prepare their students for the workforce.

This can only be accomplished by meeting with students so it’s a necessity of their job.

Don’t feel like you are bothering your professors when you visit as most professors like it when students come to their office hours.

We usually sit around waiting on students, and no one ever stops by. We just work on other relevant things while we wait, but we are literally there just for students so stop by and say hi.

Questions to ask professors during office hours

Here are some things that you could talk about with your professor during office hours. While you can definitely show up to office hours without any specific questions, it is helpful to have something in mind. Your professor will likely ask why you are there during their office hours and how they can help.

  • I have a question about the material, can you help explain it?

  • What are some student organizations I could join?

  • Should I get an internship?

  • What are some careers in my field?

  • Could you write me a letter of recommendation?

  • I think I am going to fail your course, should I withdraw?

  • How do you think I am doing overall?

  • I had some questions about our research assignment, can you help?

  • I need some help with the course, can you assist?

  • Can you tell me about your research?

Really, the list is endless as you can talk to your professor about lots of things during office hours. I usually tell students that if it related to you and your success in college and a future career, your professor should be able to help you during office hours.

And when you come with these general questions, be ready to provide some most specific information.

What do professors do during office hours?

Office hours are meant for students to come by and discuss any problems or questions they have about the course.

While full-time professors are usually required to hold a certain number of office hours, students may never show up.

So, during office hours professors will use this time to work on their research, grade students’ papers and assignments, and get prepared for the next class.

Unless a student shows up, they use the time for other work related things. But these office hours are meant for students and ONLY students. If no students show up, professors will make the best of their time.

Is it weird for students to go to office hours?

No, it is not weird to go to office hours because professors have office hours for students. They are there to serve students so it wouldn’t be weird for a student to show up.

Obviously it may feel awkward for the student to appear during office hours, but it definitely shouldn’t be weird since professors are merely waiting on students to show up and ask questions.

As a former professor, I loved it when students would show up during office hours. This made me feel like students felt comfortable to approach me and would get the help that they need to be successful.

Now that I have given you as much information as I can about meeting with your professor during office hours, just don’t sit there but go do it!

Is attending office hours seen as a weakness?

Attending office hours is seen as a strength not a weakness. First, a student who has the courage to walk into their professor’s office and talk to them is a strength. And secondly, most of the students who will attend office hours are those who are strong enough to ask for help and improve.

As a professor, I usually saw the most improvement from students who came by during office hours.

How do you ask a professor to meet you?

If you want your professor to schedule a time to meet with you, it is best to communicate through email. Simply email your professor and request an appointment. Some professors will have dedicated office hours to meet with students so you could just stop by if your professor doesn’t require an appointment.

Here is what an email might look like if you want to schedule a time to meet with your professor.

Dear Professor Smith,

I am in your English 101 class and I would love to schedule a time to meet with you to discuss some of the course material and our upcoming assignment. I see that you have office hours listed in our syllabus this Friday. Do you have time to meet with me around 1:00pm? I can stop by and will only take up 15 minutes of your time. I appreciate your time in advance.


Prolific Professor

I taught college students for about 15 years. I have experience teaching online and in-person. I have a graduate degree. I have a passion for education. But I’ve also worked in the professional world (outside of education) too. And with my teaching and educational experience, I want to help students answer their most pressing questions. I want to give my wealth of knowledge to college students to help make their life easier.


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